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Nyati’s Samata International School focuses an Activity based learning. The school strongly believes that the students learn better through Activities, Audio-visual aids rather than rot learning. The school is committed to prepare the younger generation for a better future by improving their capabilities to face the challenges of the world .The school provides an ideal learning atmosphere in which the student feel happy and secure. The school equips the students with the basic inputs for understanding global issues. Nyati’s Samata International School adopts an open minded approach to change and innovations.The School holds open day every week to openly interact with the parents who wish to discuss about their wards and to give suggestion if any.The School believes that social media like Facebook and You Tube can reach the Parents and keep them updated about the various activities and events of the school. The mess facility provided is really a great advantage to the parents and children. The children get to know the taste of natural and hygienic food that is rich in nutrients. Excellent Teaching Faculty leaves no stone unturned in grooming them and provides excellent knowledge through digital smart board in every class. our Teachers strongly believe that every child is special. Remedial classes are conducted for the weak students. So as to improve his/her studies.Teachers also follow adoption system in which they go to the home of children and interact with the parents about the progress of students and plans strategies to improve his/her studies.The school strongly believes to make international dimension an integral part of teaching and learning in the school.